yes in one part and no in the other but more than likely yes that is why mostly every think is gold and it is very old and it is mostly all ritch
agriculture in Egypt
People in Egypt call Egypt Masr
Egypt! Everything in Egypt, and parts of Africa close to Egypt
There was Upper and Lower Egypt in pre-dynasty but these were united when the first pharaoh, Narmer, came to power. Since then they had been united.
The GNP of Egypt is $491.33 million dollars! :)
i dunno google it nubz
GNP?? What are you talking about??
The GNP of Rwanda is $1.89bn
what is the gnp of india?
GNP= $1.89 Billion
That is a drop in the amount of GNP.
Sudan Gnp is $2,800 (2011)
the Uks GNP is 15 387
The GNP is 15.466 billion for Mali
GNP of Canada