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As far as we know, they did not a standardized medium of exchange- that is Money. The Egyptian kingdom operated on a moneyless economy- though they did have a slave system ( possibly prisoners of war or of criminal cases) and a rigid caste structure- nothing along the lines of coinage, paper money- gold or silver ingots- or anything resembling Banks or Mints- have ever been recovered or dug up- in a country as thoroughly explored by archaeologists as Egypt. another oddity was they did not draw in perspective, despite the fact the Pyramid is one of the 5 Platonic solids! My Dad, who had some background as an art student, could never figure this one out!

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They had a money system but only differently. They traded gold and of course as you know they had slaves so you had to be a government official to deal with economy.

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If you mean ancient Egypt: by and large, it was. If you mean modern Egypt: by and large, it is not.

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