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Q: What best describes why ancient Egypt could be described as a command economy?
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Which economic system best describes the United States?

The U.S. economy can be best described as socialism B. The U.S. economy is a pure market economy.

When the government controls all major industries and decides what products will be produced and how many of each type of product will be produced what type of economy is described?

Command economy.

Which nation's economy could best be described as a command economy where the government determines guidelines for economic development and sets goals for economic production?

A planned economy is also known as a command economy, and it is designed by a central governmental authority. It is a type of socialist economy, and it currently exists in North Korea, Laos, and Cuba.

What are the economic patterns of ancient Egypt?

The economy of pharaonic Egypt has been called an ancient command economy, but one should always remember that such modern definitions are not as apt as one would hope for.

Which of the following describes a drawback of a command economy compared to a free market economy?

Answer this question… It reduces innovation by requiring all businesses to follow government orders.

What is econony?

It is a command economy where the government controls the economy. It is a command economy where the government controls the economy.

Is Haiti a free market economy or a command economy?

Yes, Haiti is a command economy. A command economy is when the government controls the economy and you are guaranteed a job. However, with a command economy, you cannot open your own business.

The history of command economy?

what is the history behind command economy

What is a command economy system?

Command Economy is an example of Dictatorship.

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It is a command economy where the government controls the economy. It is a command economy where the government controls the economy.

Is North Korea a command economy or a free economy?

North Korea has a command economy.

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