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He tried to trick Hercules into holding the world on his shoulders

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

He trick him by saying that his shoulders were uncomfortable and to hold it so he could get a pad. so atlas tool the sky and ran away.

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Q: How did Atlas try to trick Hercules?
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What is the roman name for the god Atlas?

Atlas was a titan whom the Olympians disliked. The Olympians sent the titans to do hard chores or to Tarturus. Atlas had to hold the heavens as long as the Olympians were there. Atlas tried to trick Heracles or Hercules to hold the heavens in Hercules and his labors.

How did Hercules the Greek god meet Atlas the Greek the god?

Hercules was on a quest to be free from a king but the king tried tricking him into doing what will be known as Hercules 12 labors. one was get a golden apple from the gods tree but it was protected by a monster no mortal could defeat so Hercules had to trick atlas into getting it by holding the sky. when atlas returned he decided Hercules could hold the sky for a while longer while he delieverd the apples to the king and he take a break for a few years. Hercules agreed but asked atlas to hold it so he could adjust his lion coat for comfort and atlas agreed. when atlas took it Hercules left with the apples

What Titan did Hercules have to deceive?

The Titan Atlas.

Which Greek Hero helped the God Atlas?

Hercules (known as Heracles in the Greek) One of the twelve labors of Hercules was to get the golden apples which grow in Hera's garden. The apples were guarded by the daughters of Atlas. In order to receive the apples Hercules took the world from Atlas' shoulders. Atlas got the apples for Hercules, however he had no intention of taking back the world from his shoulders. Hercules tricked him into taking it back and then left with the apples.

Was Hercules smart?

When Hercules' physical strength wouldn't let him solve a problem, yes he did use his intelligence. For example, when Atlas wanted to pick apples, Hercules held up the sky for him. When Atlas wouldn't take it back, Hercules tricked him.

Who was the Titan that helped Hercules get the golden apples?

Hercules tricked the Titan Atlas into helping him get the golden apples.

What are the release dates for Biography - 1987 Charles Atlas Modern Day Hercules?

Biography - 1987 Charles Atlas Modern Day Hercules was released on: USA: 29 September 1999

What does SHAZAM stand for?

Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury.

What favor did Hercules perform for atlas?

Took the weight of the skies and the heavens of him for a while.

What is the same between Hercules and atlas?

They are both mythical and both had enormous strength.

Which Greek god is more powerful Hercules or Atlas?

Atlas is a god he was one of the first Greek gods. The Olympian Gods dethroned the "Titans". (Which Atlas was one of the Titans.) He received the most harsh punishment of all the Titans, carrying the heavens on his back and bearing the weight forever, given to him by the King of the gods Zeus. But Hercules (or Heracles) is not a god. His Father is Zeus but his mother is mortal. To answer your question..... Hercules was able to hold the heavens on his shoulders just as well as Atlas, and Hercules did more things that proved his strength (like killing the Lion of Nemea) than Atlas did. Atlas on the other hand never had any real amazing stories just that he held up the heavens. So based on the facts of mythology Hercules seems much more powerful just not a god.

What Are The Titan's In Hercules?

Kronos, and Atlas. That's all i know, but I think theres more.