Greek clothing were made from wool or linen. Footwear were leather sandals. Wool was used during the winter while linen was used during the summer.
Athens is a city. It has never worn clothes. I assume you mean the Athenians, the Ancient Greeks. They would have worn light white linen clothes to stop themselves getting too hot, most famously and commonly togas.
noone knows, you cant look at a god derectly at a god so you cant make a statue and that's how the Greeks showed us so.....'
The ancient Greeks who were higher up in society used to wear things called togas. These were basically sheets wrapped draped round them and then kept in place by a pin. Poorer people would just wear tunics, a sort of dress, with a cord around their waists to stop it from flying up! Hope this helps. :)
The Romans named the Greeks in Greece.
the ancient Greeks died their clothes purple the same way as all the other ancient civilizations they used the shell of a sea mollusk and for other colours they would use plant roots, leaves, berries and flowers.
clothes dummy
Greeks tend to usually wear clothes in dancing
they wore raggy cloths
Underwear from the Gods
None. The ancient Greeks existed LONG before the 20th Century.
The ancient Greeks invented: coins maps the thermometer the lock (doorlock) central heating Archimedes screw clothes
they wore nothing but a head wreath and a cloth
the women were dresses in the summer, anything else they where clothes like you and me!
Modern Greeks wear the same clothes everyone else does.
No, the Greeks did not only wear togas for the Olympics. Togas were a common garment worn by the ancient Romans, while the ancient Greeks commonly wore a chiton, a loose-fitting tunic made of wool or linen.
I think its called spoulder. Im not entirely sure if this was just for roman armour.
The earliest clothes iron, called a "sad iron," was invented in the 17th century. These irons were made of solid metal and were heated on a stove before being used to press clothes.