They used myths from Zeus simply because they thought that the world was flat from the many pictures and murals made by the artists long ago.
The Greeks wrote myths to explain how the world worked. Examples include why the seasons changed or how earthquakes were created.
The Greeks used myths to explain events that they did not understand.
The early people did not have as sophisticated of science studies as we do now, so they used myths as a way to explain the world around them.
to explain something that is difficult to understand
Tell me the answer to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Greeks wrote myths to explain how the world worked. Examples include why the seasons changed or how earthquakes were created.
The Greeks used myths and legends to explain natural phenomena, teach moral lessons, and pass down their cultural heritage through storytelling. Myths also played a role in understanding the world around them and providing explanations for the unknown.
The Greeks used myths to explain events that they did not understand.
The Greeks created myths to explain how the world worked. Examples include why the seasons changed or how earthquakes were created.
Greeks told myths to explain events they did not understand, and because myths were their religion.
Greeks used myths to explain things they did not know about. For instance to explain why the sun rised over in the east and set in the west they said that the god of the sun, Apollo, drove his sun chariot around the world each day.
The Egyptians and the Greeks created myths to explain what was going on in the world and to set their morals. For Example: The Greeks created the story of Hades stealing Demeter's daughter Persephone to explain the season because they did not know about science and that the seasons were caused by the tilt of the world in relation to the sun.
Greek myths explained things that the Greeks could not explain scientifically. They explained how the seasons and the earth worked. They explained how the world began, who was in control, and why there was good and bad luck.
The ancient Greeks wrote Greek myths so they could explain how the world was created and why certain things on Earth are like what they are. Most myths were part of oral tradition handed down by word of mouth from generation to generation long before the Greeks developed writing.
Neptune is a god from Greek myth. The only way it relates to history is that the Greeks created myths to explain their world.
The early people did not have as sophisticated of science studies as we do now, so they used myths as a way to explain the world around them.