About 300 years after the Mycenaean civilization crumbled, the Greeks started to join together in small groups for protection and stability. Over time, these groups set up independent city-states. The Greek word for a city-state is polis. The creation of city-states marks the beginning of what is known as Greece's classical age. A classical age is one that is marked by great achievements. - Ryan Higgins (323) 327-6164
Ancient Greek civilization had a long and illustrious history. Historical and archaeological records indicate that the civilization had its earliest beginnings in the Neolithic Age (6000 B.C.E. and later), although it wasn't until 500 B.C.E. that what we now know as "Classical Greece" took shape. It is customary to mark the end of Ancient Greece in the middle of the 2nd century (B.C.E), when Rome conquered the last remaining centers of resistance among the Greek societies.
Homes in the times and area of Jesus were made with handmade brick which was mud/clay mixed with straw. Some cultures lived in cave dwellings, others lived in tents made from woven fabric or animal skins. Some lived in homes made from wood or stone. If you look at the buildings in ancient Greece or Rome you will see that they used stone that were cut to size and shape.
Coins have been in use since ancient times. Ancient Lydia, (not to be confused with Libya because it is in present day Turkey, near Greece in Europe. However, at around the same time, China's Zhou dynasty began making shape coins and round coins with square holes in them. To this day nobody knows who made them first, but they have been in use since the seventh century, BC
matter having no definite volume and no definite shape is a liquid
Having the same size and shape means that you look the same height and size.
If you are referring to the emperor, he did not shape history. He was a reluctant emperor and avoided involvement in politics or state affairs.
The state of matter having a definite volume but no definite shape is liquid.
A polis was a city-state - a population group with an area of agricultural land, fresh water, often a port, and a fortified hill (acropolis), around which a city grew up. Each city was independent, and often at odds with its neighbours. Each developed its own form of government, developed cultural activities, and often sent surplus population to form new polis in other parts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
A bit of history how did Columbus described earths shape?
it forms them in away noone else can stopFinal Answer:History shapes how we view the world.Hope I helpedd! :]~Pierox!~
Having the shape of the letter 'S'
A gas has no definitive volume or shape.
matter having no definite volume and no definite shape is a liquid