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How does history shape cultures

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Q: How does history shape culture?
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How does history shape a culture?

History often shapes the culture by causing people to come in contact with other cultures. When this happens, the cultures are changed because of that contact.

How does history shape a people's culture?

History helps define culture as those who live within a culture learn from historical events (hopefully).

How has the history of Cuba shaped their culture?

It has helped shape Cuba by standing up for their rights and freedom

How has the history of the Arabian Peninsula helped to shape the regions culture?

The history of the Arabian Peninsula helped shape the culture of the region when it became the cradle of Islam. The cities of Mecca and Medina hold high significance in the Islamic world. Mecca is the destination of the annual pilgrimage.

How does the history of Europe shape the culture of Europe today?

Generally the European people is too busy to think in their history, and the history of Europe is very very complex... but exciting!

Does society create religion or does religion create society?

Create? Neither can create the other. Shape or influence? Certainly. History shows that they borrow from each other and shape each other. The main religion in a culture typically supports the culture, just as the culture supports it; each accommodating the other.

What ways did Teotihuacán shape the history of Mesoamerica?

They left a huge dent in Mayan culture with religious spread and war amongst differences.

How does the history and culture of the US shape its politics and policies?

well thers many way it does like Generally the European people is too busy to think in their history, and the history of Europe is very very complex... but exciting!

What are Mexico history and culture?

History: The Alamo Culture: Tacos and Ponchos

Is language element of culture?

Yes, language is a crucial element of culture as it helps to shape beliefs, values, and social behaviors within a particular society. Language not only serves as a means of communication but also reflects the identity, history, and traditions of a culture.

What influences culture?

Culture is influenced by a variety of factors including history, geography, religion, social norms, language, politics, and economic conditions. These factors combine to shape the beliefs, values, practices, traditions, and customs of a particular group of people or society. Additionally, interactions with other cultures through trade, migration, colonization, and globalization can also impact and shape a culture.

What is the difference between culture and history?

History is different because it retells the past events and Culture is more so how people live. Culture can also have been in the past , but that is what History retells