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Q: How did menes unify Egypt?
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Who did king menes defeat to unify Egypt?

early eurasians

Did Menes come from upper or Lower Egypt?

Upper Egypt and wanted to unify Upper and Lower Egypt so he wore a double crown.

Why did upper and lower Egypt unify?

King Menes/Narmer unified the two different Kingdoms. Presumably he did this through conquest.

How did the first pharaoh unify Egypt?

Menes married a woman from the other side of Egypt (Lower I do believe).

Who owned Lower Egypt when King Menes united Egypt?

King Menes

Who is the first pharaoh of Egypt?

Menes also known as Namer and the Scorpion King c.3100bce

What king united Egypt?

the first king of comnined Egypt was menes

What does king Menes do for Egypt?

He united Egypt

Who united the upper and lower Egypt?

King Menes united upper and lower Egypt

How did Menes achieve to rule upper and lower Egypt?

Menes was a pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt

When did Menes live?


Who did Menes marry?

King menes married a princess from the lower Egypt.