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ancient Egyptians made paper out of the papyrus plant.

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Q: How did paper get its name?
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Betula papyrifera is the scientific name for paper birch. (Genus species)

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The name of the paper for the presentation should be something the writer is passionate about. Without more information regarding the paper or the event, it is not possible to suggest a name.

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To create an MLA citation for an unpublished paper, include the author's name, the title of the paper in quotation marks, the date it was written, the institution where it was written, and the type of paper. For example: Last name, First name. "Title of Paper." Date written. Institution, Type of Paper.

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The original name for Liquid Paper was "Mistake Out." It was later renamed to "Liquid Paper" by its inventor Bette Nesmith Graham.

What is the scientific name for paper birch?

Betula papyrifera is the scientific name for paper birch. (Genus species)

Where did the statler brothers get their name?

From the name of a company that makes paper products (tissues, paper towels, etc.)

What information should be included on the title page of a paper?

The title page of a paper should include the title of the paper, the author's name, the course name and number, the instructor's name, and the date of submission.