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tissue paper

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Q: What is the soft thin paper called?
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What is A thin soft opaque printing paper from the Orient?

India paper

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What is a flat paper container for a letter or thin package called?

it is a envelope.

On what kind of paper are books printed?

Books are typically printed on a type of paper called "book paper," which is a thin and lightweight paper specifically designed for printing books.

How soft is bounty toilet paper?

As soft as Mcdonalds toilet paper

Why is a crescent moon called a paper moon?

Perhaps it is because it looks paper thin. No research done, it just seems logical.

How do erasers affect paper?

it rubs off a few layers of your paper. it also will take of marks. the paper may become thin and soft if you erase one spot multiple times. it really wont have too much effect on paper though. hope this helped!

What is crepe paper?

a very thin paper

Are human muscles thin and soft?


How is paper usually made?

by trees.... they cut trees down and ground it,purifie it,dye it, and like roll it down thin enough to be called paper

What is the thin paper called that can be used for writing scrolls?

um I'm pretty sure its papyrus or parchment.

What is the material used in toilet paper?

Toilet paper is typically made from a combination of wood pulp and water. It is processed and transformed into the soft and thin sheets we use for personal hygiene purposes. Some brands also incorporate recycled paper fibers into their production process.