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The Neolithic Revolution, which hunting and gatherer societies transformed into farming villages allowed for people to develop a surplus. Having a surplus allowed for some people to speicialize in other areas (pottery, metal working, textile production, etc.) which in return laid the foundation for the specialization of labor.

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Q: How did the Neolithic Revolution laid the foundation for the specialization of labor?
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What was an effect of the Neolithic revolution that allowed trade to begin an early civilization?

specialization of labor.

What was the effect of the neolithic revolution that allowed trade to begin in early civilizations?

specialization of labor.

What was an effect of the neolithic revolution that allowed trade to begin in early civilizations?

specialization of labor.

What are 3 reason why tribes should join Neolithic revolution?

Food surplus, specialization of labor, and new technology

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What is specialized works?

work specialization is a kind of labor which you are specialized with... ^_^ work specialization is a kind of labor which you are specialized with... ^_^

When does labor specialization occur?

Labor specialization takes place whenever workers are assigned specific tasks.

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Division of labor, helped increase productivity and gave birth to the factory system, which entailed increased division of labor and specialization of function.

What did economic stability lead to in the Neolithic Revolution?

Economic stability in the Neolithic Revolution led to several significant developments. It allowed for the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming communities, as people could rely on a stable food supply. This led to population growth, specialization of labor, and the emergence of complex social structures and civilizations. Additionally, economic stability facilitated the development of trade networks and the accumulation of wealth, which further contributed to the growth and advancement of societies during this period.

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Is an aspect of an organization's internal environment created by job specialization and division of labor?

Differentiation was created for specialization and the division of labor in the workplace. Specialization refers to the division of tasks by units or individuals.

How does labor specialization help a society?

Specialization and labor are related in a number of ways. Specialization is the ability for an invididual to do a certain task. For example, a doctor specializes in medical practices. This is related to labor because in society, people specialize in differnent fields of work and then they conduct their labor.