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First you get fabric, about two of you tall, and about 6-8 inches wider than you. Fold in half hamburger-wise, than sow down the two open sides, BUT LEAVE ABOUT 10 INCHES for your arms. Cut a half circle in the top middle, than put it on and tie a shawl or scarf around your waist, bunching it around the top and then walk like an Egyptian!

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14y ago
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14y ago

You just have to cut the shape of it out of cardboard, using a picture reference,

then using gold and blue paint alternate the 2 colors making stripes on the cardboard, then let it dry

after it dries your done.

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13y ago
    • Adjust a cap to fit the head while being worn back wards. The back of the cap will be the front of the crown. Pay close attention to the instructions when referring to the "cap" or the "crown".

    • 2

      Cut a 20-inch square from the white fabric. Lay the square flat on a table.

    • 3

      Apply hot glue to the inside back of the cap. Lay the cap upside down on top of the white fabric square. Center and fold one edge of the square to the inside edge of the cap and press into the glue to hold.

    • 4

      Cut a 4-inch square from the craft foam. Round the corners on one side.

    • 5

      Glue the straight edge of the craft foam even with the cap edge and up the back of the cap (front of the Egyptian crown).

    • 6

      Flip the white fabric over the cap. Spot glue the fabric to the sides of the cap and top of the bill. Set the cap aside.

    • 7

      Draw a 1-inch-wide by 4-inch-tall rectangle on the lightweight cardboard. Draw a 2-inch circle on one short end of the rectangle using the compass. Draw a 1/2 inch triangle on top of the circle. Blend all the parts together to shape a serpent pattern. Cut the serpent out.

    • 8

      Cover one side of the serpent with a thin layer of craft glue. Lay the glue-covered side of the serpent on top of the gold lame. Cut the gold lame around the shape a 1/2 inch larger than the shape. Clip the lame around the curves and in the corners. Glue the lame edges to the back of the shape. Trace the shape of the serpent on more gold lame. Cut out the shape slightly smaller than the drawn lines. Apply a thin layer of craft glue on the back of the serpent. Adhere the gold lame cut out to the back.

    • 9

      Bend the bottom edge of the serpent 1-inch to the back. Glue the serpent to the front of the Egyptian crown and the folded edge inside.

    • 10

      Wrap a length of the gold ribbon around the crown, loosely, hot gluing it along the edge. Overlap the ribbon ends in the back and hot glue.

    • 11

      Place the crown on the head and mark the placement for "sideburns." Cut two pieces of the gold ribbon; 3-inches long. Place the ribbon on the inside of the crown at the marks. Glue the ends a 1/2 inch under the edge of the crown, letting the length of the sideburns hang down.

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12y ago

you just make it

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