No one can answer that; the Ancient Egyptian language is lost.
Closet guess: Nit (Knit)
The Greek Goddess, Athena, was the goddess of wisdom, arts, and crafts. Her Roman name was Minerva and her Egyptian name was Neith.
Well, the Egyptians had a different love goddess. If I remember right, isis was her name. These were two different goddesses, however.
Ma'at, or Maat, is the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, law, order, and morality.
Tefnut is the Egyptian goddess of the water. She is also the goddess of ferteninty.
The name of the Egyptian's goddess of magic is Isis.
The name of Egyptian's goddess of the seventeenth is Anput.
The name of the Egyptian's cat goddess is Bastet or Bast.
As it originates from a dead language, nobody can be 100% sure on the pronunciation. Many scholars pronounce it as it is spelled (baa-stet).
The name of the Egyptian's goddess of sky and stars is Nut.
The Egyptian cat goddess was Bastet.
Yes Isis was the name of an Egyptian goddess and she was married to her brother Osiris
The name of the Egyptian's goddess of lions, fire and vengeance is Sekhmet.
Hathor was a Egyptian goddess of pleasure and joy most closely identified by the Greeks with Aphrodite and the Romans with Venus.
The Egyptian minor lion goddess was Mehhit. She was also known by the name Menchit.