The Greek name for the city of Athens is Athena. It is spelled alpha theta eta nu alpha in the Greek alphabet.
The patron of the city of Athens was the godess Athena (Αθηνά in greek).
Athena the Greek Goddess protected the Athens.
Athens for example.
Ancient Greece: Αρχαία Ελλάδα (Arkaia Ellada) Sparta: Σπάρτη (Sparti) Athens: Αθήνα (Athina)
No. Athens is a Greek city, and the capital of Greece
It is named after the greek goddess Athena
it is from Athens greek
the greek word for Athens is Athena in greek Αθήνα and music is miousiki n greek μουσική
The main language spoken in Athens is Greek.
Sophocles lived in the democracy of ancient Athens. He wrote in ancient Greek.
The language spoken in Athens during ancient times was Ancient Greek. Today, the official language of Athens is Modern Greek.
Athens is part of Greece.
Athens is located in Attica or in greek Αττικής