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Q: How does perseus get the graeae to tell him the location of the Nymphai?
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Did the Greek fates share one eye?

No. You're thinking of the Graeae, who shared one tooth and one eye among them. By stealing their eye, Perseus forced them to tell him the whereabouts of the items he needed to kill the Gorgon, Medusa (or in later accounts, the location of Medusa herself).

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Does Atlas tell Perseus about the gray sisters?

No, he did not. When Perseus met Atlas he had already seen the three sisters and killed Medusa.

Why did Atlas tell Perseus to leave?

Because Atlas remembered an ancient prophecy which had warned him that a son of Jupiter [which is Perseus] would one day rob him of his golden apples.

Why does Hermes tell Perseus that rashness is a family trait?

Perseus' promise to kill the Medusa was a rash one, unaided he could not have done that. Perseus is the son of Zeus, and so is Hermes. They have made some rash decisions too. Therefore Hermes, the half-brother of Perseus, comes to assist him and says this to comfort P.

Why did perseus take the eye of the three gray womens?

To force them to tell him where Medusa, the gorgon lived.

Who were perseus rivals?

As a fact, we can never know and the only people who could tell us are the historians. Seeing whom Poseidon's rivals are though, Athena, Zeus and Hades' are the ones who would DISLIKE Perseus and they're about the closest to RIVALA.

How did perseus beat the grey sisters?

Perseus needed to find out where Medusa, the woman with snakes for hair, was. As he was looking for her, sorry if I'm incorrect, he met the Gray Sisters; three sisters with only one eye that they had to share between them. Perseus stole the eye from them and threatened to throw it in a large, deep lake if they didn't tell him where medusa was. Since without the eye, they'd all be completely blind, they gave Perseus the information he wanted and he gave back the eye.

Why do some say Poseidon is the father of Perseus?

Many people say that because Greek Mythology was passed on from generation to generation. Many different writers tell different stories because it was handed down. Many authors usually support that Zeus was the father of Perseus.

Why did Perseus cut off Medusa's head?

After King Acrisius sent Danae and Perseus away from Argos, they came to a land where the king collected wives and he wanted Danae as a wife, but she refused, so he sent soilders out after her(After what must seem like the millionth time of asking her to Danae) And Perseus beat them up and sent them back and told them to tell the King she would marry who she wanted, so the King, (Obviously being really mad At Perseus) Wanted Perseus killed so he told him to go and kill Medusa thinking he would be killed, But he got the head as asked and brought it to Athena (And Yes King Acrisius was killed by Perseus like in the prophecy) THAT is why he cut Medusa's head off.

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