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it affected Egypt because it was hard on them when the gods wouldn't let it rain on the crops. Also for more info go to] also they didn't have such a big flooding at times heheheh its not true

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13y ago
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13y ago

The gods affected the Ancient Egyptians' daily life because many people thought that the gods can prevent problems with crops and the weather. Many people, in hard times, needed someone/something to believe in except themselves, because that was usually the case.

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12y ago

Depends on the time frame. In early Egypt very few were even aware of religion. Later on it was manitory for people to pray and leave offerings. Other times only Pharohs were able to comute with the Gods and whatever they gods said he did or told the people to do. Later on priests commonly abducted people for religious purpose. Jews were typically slaves in the ancient world so that effected daily life. But by mid-late Egypt religion was practiced freely so long as it was the religion chosen by whoever was in charge.

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12y ago

That depends on what type of Egyptians.

Ancient or Modern?

The Ancient Egyptians built great statues and created astounding wall art to praise their God. However not much with Modern Egyptians but many may argue the Arab Spring was brought into Egypt through Religion.

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14y ago

a lot it changed there schedule and everything.

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10y ago

Religion played a huge role in the lives of Ancient Egyptians. They thanked the gods when the Nile overflowed, and performed rituals to honor their various deities.

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13y ago

By ancent egypitians who ruled the world many years ago when Cleopatra began to rule then was bit by a snak n tats wen vampires began to rule

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