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I think there are 4 different government levels in Canada.

Federal-takes care of big business

Provincial-takes care of problems in the province

Mineral-(I may have spelled that wrong)takes care of town/small business

Hope i helped


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15y ago

Well there are three basic levels of Government.

Local - This can be broken down further into "City" and "County" sub categories. Includes local Municipalities; District Attorneys, Judges and Courts , Police/ Law Enforcement, City and County Jail systems, Mayors and City Council Members, etc...

State - State Troopers, State Police, and Attorney Generals; DPS and DMV, Court of Criminal Appeals, State Education Agency, Governor, State House of Representatives, State Senate, State Supreme Court, etc...

Federal - Deals with Homeland and Foreign Affairs; Includes President, Congress, US Attorneys, etc.; FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, IRS and Treasury, U.S. Supreme Court, Armed Forces, Military and Federal Police, National Parks and Wildlife, etc...

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15y ago

Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy with parliamentary democracy, whereas the US is a republic. Both are democracies and federations however.

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16y ago

explain how the levels of government are different in canada.

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