Well there are three basic levels of Government.
Local - This can be broken down further into "City" and "County" sub categories. Includes local Municipalities; District Attorneys, Judges and Courts , Police/ Law Enforcement, City and County Jail systems, Mayors and City Council Members, etc...
State - State Troopers, State Police, and Attorney Generals; DPS and DMV, Court of Criminal Appeals, State Education Agency, Governor, State House of Representatives, State Senate, State Supreme Court, etc...
Federal - Deals with Homeland and Foreign Affairs; Includes President, Congress, US Attorneys, etc.; FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, IRS and Treasury, U.S. Supreme Court, Armed Forces, Military and Federal Police, National Parks and Wildlife, etc...
The British colonized Canada in an attempt to rid North America of the French. There were many benefits gained after Britain colonized Canada such as increased fur trade, higher American loyalist settlement, and others.
had many government because of many city- stateIt was eitheroligarchy, monarchy, democracy, or aristocracy.sorry it is almost right. there was oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, or aristocracy. (tyranny was when power was taken illegally. The tyrant wasn't always mean.)
The advantages were that all males participated in government. The bad part is that it was too many people making decisions.
Greece's government used to be a government where everyone votes but, now Greece has a government like us. We in the United have a government where we have representatives. So to answer your question, there is no difference in governments beetween the U.S ans Greece.
Occultic/Esoteric(very hidden and secretive, multiple levels of understanding for different classes of people about the same object or doctrine) and symbollic(all their religion was festooned with special symbology representing their beliefs.
Canada has 3 levels of government because if there was only one that one government could not do everything so the divided it into 3 levels of government so every level has there own jobs and responsibility's!
The three levels of government in Canada are:Municipal (towns, cities)Provincial/TerritorialFederal
Federal Government, Provincial Government, Local Government
The three levels of government are federal, provincial and municipal.
The Levels of Government from Highest to lowest is:The Federal,the Provincial,Territorial,and the Municipal level.
Government in Canada is organized into four levels: federal, provincial l, regional and local. Each level is charged with various responsibilities by either the Constitution or a higher level of government
The three levels of government are State, Federal,and Property
Canada, a western federal democracy consisting of ten provinces and three territories, is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government at both the national and provincial/territorial levels of government.
In Canada there are many colleges a person can enter that will accept 3 AS levels. Most of the major colleges, however, will not accept only 3 AS levels.