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Q: How many times did the Egyptians wrap a mummy?
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Who wrap mummy?

the people wrap up mummies are not really called anything in particular, the pharaohs and the Egyptians probably call them wrappers.

Did the ancient egyptians mummficate live people?

LOL did u get that idea from THE MUMMY? i really don't think if you can wrap someone that moves. If you wrap a live person to be a mummy, it's with an intention to kill him/, i don't think the person would just stay still there while he/she gets wrapped.

What is mummy wrapping called?

When you wrap a mummy it is called the process of mummification

What is the mummy wrap made of?

In most cases, it was linen.

What do eqyptians wrap their mummies with?

The Egyptians wrap their mummies with linen cloth.

What do you use to wrap a mummy.?

The wraps were made of soft,linen.

What is the 5 letter name for mummy wrap?


What is a mummy's favorite type of music?

I, II, and III

What is linen used for mummification?

Linen was used to wrap the mummy.

How to create a mummy?

The best way to create a mummy is to remove all the organs, dehydrate the body and then wrap the body in cloth.

How many layers of wrapping did a mummy get?

Hundreds of yards of linen were used to carefully wrap a mummy. As many as 20 alternating layers of bandages have been counted on one mummy. More linenstrips were wrapped around the body. At every layer, the bandages are painted.

Did ancient egyptians wrap cats or mice?

the ancient egyptians wrapped cats