So I'm doing a project on Mummys at school and My world history teacher said it depends on how tall the Egytain was.
6 times
Natron, which is a kind of salt. Linen to wrap the mummy. Canopic jars to put organs in. A sarcophagus to put the mummy in. A hook to get the brain out, and knife to cut a slit in the side. And decorations for the mummy and to put in the linen..
It took long to prepare a mummy because the egyptians had to take the organs of the stomach and the brian out of the nostrils.They left the heart in its place because the thought it ment something to them.
The 1932 The Mummy had the name of Im-Ho-Tep, also known as Ardeth Bey. In the first mummy film, Boris Karloff was the character of the mummy in that film. There was a sequence mummy movies after this and Boris Karloff played the mummy a few more times.
It is called a mummy
Roughly, five minutes.
When you wrap a mummy it is called the process of mummification
3150 feet on a mummy
In most cases, it was linen.
6 times
The wraps were made of soft,linen.
I, II, and III
Linen was used to wrap the mummy.
How To Make Mummies 101 First, they take out their organs, tongue, and heart. Then, they embalm it, wrap it in clean clothes, and put it in its tomb.
The best way to create a mummy is to remove all the organs, dehydrate the body and then wrap the body in cloth.
I'm not sure, but it was a good way to "wrap up" the conversation!