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It took long to prepare a mummy because the egyptians had to take the organs of the stomach and the brian out of the nostrils.They left the heart in its place because the thought it ment something to them.

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Q: Why did it take so long to prepare a mummy?
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well it took 7 years to find his tomb so 7 years i guess hope that helps? :)

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Does tummy have long e sound?

Yes, the ending Y has a long E sound. The first U is a short U, so that the word rhymes with dummy and mummy.

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Well your mum is so clever because she is basically older than you and has a bigger brain and knows more facts so yhh LOL Well actually mummy is older when you get older you will be clever like mummy

How many mummy are there?

In the Brendan Fraser series, there are three movies: The Mummy (1999), The Mummy Returns (2001) and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008 - with Maria Bello instead of Rachel Weisz).Other Mummy moviesIn addition to the following, there are other silent shorts from the early 20th century that have 'mummy' in the title. But plots are not readily available so some of these might mean 'mother'."The Mummy of the King Rameses" (1909)"The Mummy" (1911)"The Mummy" (1912)"The Mummy" (1932)"We Want Our Mummy" (1939)"The Mummy's Hand" (1940)"The Mummy's Tomb" (1942)"The Mummy Strikes" (1943)"The Mummy's Curse" (1944)"The Mummy's Ghost" (1944)"Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy" (1955)"Pharaoh's Curse" (1957)"The Aztec Mummy" (1957)"The Curse of the Aztec Mummy" (1957)"The Aztec Mummy Against the Humanoid Robot" (1958)"The Mummy" (1959)"I was a Teenage Mummy" (1962)"The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb" (1964)"Attack of the Mayan Mummy" (1964)"Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Mummy" (1964)"The Mummy's Shroud" (1967)"The Mummy and the curse of the Jackals" (1969)"Santo and the Vengeance of the Mummy" (1971)"Blood from the Mummy's Tomb" (1971)"The Mummy's Revenge" (1973)"Love Brides of the Blood Mummy" (1973)"The Awakening" (1980)"Dawn of the Mummy" (1981)"Time Walker" (1982)"The Secret of the Mummy" (1983)"The Tomb" (1986)"I was a Teenage Mummy" (1992)"The Mummy Lives" (1993)"Tale of the Mummy" (1998)"Legend of the Mummy" (1998)"The Mummy" (1999)"Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy" (1999)"The All New Adventures of Laurel & Hardy in 'For Love or Mummy'" (1999)"The Mummy Returns" (2001)"The Mummy, Aged 19" (2002)"Mummy Raider" (2002)"BubbaHo-Tep" (2002)"The Mummy's Kiss" (2003)"Scooby Doo in Where's My Mummy?" (2005)"The Kung Fu Mummy" (2005)"Night of Anubis" (2005)"Mil Mascaras vs. the Aztec Mummy" (2007)"The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" (2008)"My Mummy" (2008)

What do Mummy Dolls do on marapets?

If you have the pet of the doll you have species you can go to the sundial and sacrafice that pet and it'll turn into a mummy of whatever doll & pet you had. So If I have a mummy grint doll and a grint pet, it'd turn into a mummy grint.

How many movies are there of the movie the mummy?

In the Brendan Fraser series, there are three movies: The Mummy (1999), The Mummy Returns (2001) and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008 - with Maria Bello instead of Rachel Weisz).Other Mummy moviesIn addition to the following, there are other silent shorts from the early 20th century that have 'mummy' in the title. But plots are not readily available so some of these might mean 'mother'."The Mummy of the King Rameses" (1909)"The Mummy" (1911)"The Mummy" (1912)"The Mummy" (1932)"We Want Our Mummy" (1939)"The Mummy's Hand" (1940)"The Mummy's Tomb" (1942)"The Mummy Strikes" (1943)"The Mummy's Curse" (1944)"The Mummy's Ghost" (1944)"Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy" (1955)"Pharaoh's Curse" (1957)"The Aztec Mummy" (1957)"The Curse of the Aztec Mummy" (1957)"The Aztec Mummy Against the Humanoid Robot" (1958)"The Mummy" (1959)"I was a Teenage Mummy" (1962)"The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb" (1964)"Attack of the Mayan Mummy" (1964)"Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Mummy" (1964)"The Mummy's Shroud" (1967)"The Mummy and the curse of the Jackals" (1969)"Santo and the Vengeance of the Mummy" (1971)"Blood from the Mummy's Tomb" (1971)"The Mummy's Revenge" (1973)"Love Brides of the Blood Mummy" (1973)"The Awakening" (1980)"Dawn of the Mummy" (1981)"Time Walker" (1982)"The Secret of the Mummy" (1983)"The Tomb" (1986)"I was a Teenage Mummy" (1992)"The Mummy Lives" (1993)"Tale of the Mummy" (1998)"Legend of the Mummy" (1998)"The Mummy" (1999)"Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy" (1999)"The All New Adventures of Laurel & Hardy in 'For Love or Mummy'" (1999)"The Mummy Returns" (2001)"The Mummy, Aged 19" (2002)"Mummy Raider" (2002)"BubbaHo-Tep" (2002)"The Mummy's Kiss" (2003)"Scooby Doo in Where's My Mummy?" (2005)"The Kung Fu Mummy" (2005)"Night of Anubis" (2005)"Mil Mascaras vs. the Aztec Mummy" (2007)"The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" (2008)"My Mummy" (2008)

How can a mummy attack someone?

A mummy couldn't attack someone as a mummy is a dead person.Even if so i wouldn't be able to see as the eyes were took out of the sockets.and it would have no brain.So it wouldn't happen

What is a corpse that has been dried out so it will not decay?

A mummy.

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