the determination of the roman people second by treating conquered peoples as allies and in several cases making them citizens Rome was able to raise a large army moreover Romes allies generally remained loyal to Rome because they shared in the profits from roman wars third Romes army was highly disciplined and seasoned by years of war few other armies could match its strength fourth romans greatly valued military success in fact military success was needed for political advancement the highest honor finally wars were a great source or wealth conquered land were often distributed to romans colonists valuables seized from the enemy enriched both the government treasury and individual leaders prisoners from the conquered lands became slaves :) i think
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Rome gained power by matteo is a cool guy
Rome gained power by taking over the regions around the Mediterranean Sea. Like northern Africa. These places acted as trade routes and served as military bases.
Rome was able to gain control of the Italian peninsula by alliances and treaties and military conquest. As Rome's military strength grew, many of the Italian cities allied themselves with Rome for their own protection and their own well being.
One element was that after the Latin war (340-38 BC- an armed rebellion by the allied Latin cities that fought with Rome in the first Samnite War [343-40 BC]) Rome ceased to be a city-state. It became a commonwealth comprising other peoples. Many Latin cities were incorporated in the Roman Republic with full Roman citizenship. The Volsci and Campanians were given partial Roman citizenship (without the right to vote). The Hernici were given the status of allies. This greatly increased Rome's manpower and helped her to defeat the Samnites in the second Samnite War (326-304 BC). It also provided a template to increase Rome's power in future victories and expansion.
In the interwar period between the 2nd and 3rd Samnite wars, Rome made alliances with the Sabellian peoples of the Abruzzo part of central Italy. This further increased her manpower and helped to defeat an alliance of Samnites, Etruscans, Umbrians and the Senone tribe of the Gauls who lived in the Marche region in the Third Samnite War (298-90 BC). Thus, the peoples in the Marche, the Umbrians and the Samnites (in modern Molise and Campania) had to become allies. The Lucanians (in modern Basilicata) decided to become allies. Rome also, confiscated land in conquered areas, and founded Latin colonies to settle Latins who were short of land and to establish a foothold in strategic areas. Some areas were annexed to Rome. With these wars, Rome took control of the centre (except for Etruria) and much of the south of Italy.
Eventually the allies provided 2/3 of Rome's troops. War helped to keep the alliances going. The allies had to provide troops and bear their cost, but also shared the booty and land seized with victory. It was, as a historian put it, like a robber inviting the victim to join in to share the profit of the next robberies. Rome also helped the ruling classes of the allied peoples. This made the system solid. The Greek king Pyrrhus found out that his idea of conquering Italy was an impossibility as Rome's manpower, though her allies who remained faithful to her, was far too big for him. After he was defeated in the Pyrhric wars (280-275 BC), Rome took over Apulia and Calabria as well. After that it took over Gallic lands up to the river Po in northern Italy.
Rome conquered the Mediterranean region though winning a series of wars with various peoples around the Mediterranean. These were separate wars which were fought for a variety of different reasons and at different times. The whole process lasted more than three hundred years. This was because Rome's expansion was not due to a grand design of conquest and empire building. The Romans found themselves fighting these wars and won. They did not expect that they would end up with a large empire. Imperial growth occurred in patchwork manner and for a while the Romans did not know how to manage an empire.
Rome's military success was due to a number of factors:
1) A large pool of military manpower. When Rome expanded into the mountains of central and southern Italy as a result of the Second and Third Samnite Wars (326-304 BC and 298-290 BC) she turned the peoples who lived in these areas into allies. They had to supply soldiers who fought in auxiliary troops which supported the Roman legions at their own expenses in exchange for protection and a share of the spoils of war. The allies provided 60% of the pool of military manpower available to Rome. This was the largest pool of military manpower in the Mediterranean and turned Rome into a superpower.
2) The capability to deploy several legions on several fronts at the same time. This capability was developed during the Early Republic when Rome was frequently attacked from its north (by the Sabines and Etruscan cities) and its south (by the Aequi and the Volsci). It was further refined in the Second and Third Samnite Wars, when Rome, again, fought on two fronts at the same time, this time on larger scale. During the second Punic War, the Romans fought on two fronts, in Italy and Spain, and a war in Greece.
3) The willingness to adapt. Originally the Roman army adopted the phalanx military formation of the Greeks. When they were defeated on the mountains of the Samnites they adopted the manipular formation of the Samnite enemies because it was more flexible and better suited for mountain warfare. The Romans also adopted the Spanish sword and the Gallic design for helmets. When they needed a fleet capable to match the mighty Carthaginian fleet in the First Punic War, they adopted the ship design of the Carthaginians.
4) Sheer determination. The Romans pursued victory in war to the bitter end and by any means. One example was the very expensive building of a 180 mile long stone-paved road (the Appian Way), the first ever in history to facilitate the movement of troops and military supplies to the front during the second Samnite War. Another example was during the First Punic War. Both the Carthaginian and Roman fleet became depleted and the coffers of both states were empty. What made the difference was that the Roman rich paid for an additional fleet from their own pockets. This fleet went on to win the final battle of the war. 5) Good military training. The training of Roman soldiers was already very good when the army was a citizen militia, before it became a professional army. When it became a professional army soldiers were trained drilled regularly and the army became even more highly structured and well organised.
Through a carefully planned and executed plan lasting ten years - first eliminating the threat of the Persian navy by capturing the Mediterranean ports, then defeating the armies in the field in three major battles, then taking the bordering provinces.
King Xerxes tried to carry on his father Darius I's attempt to establish an ethnic frontier by subjugating mainland Greece, as the mainland Greek states were fomenting rebellion in the Greek states in Asia which were under Persian control. He lost, and Athens established an anti-Persian league which dominated the eastern Mediterranean. Although the internal fighting in the Greek world subsequently eroded the strength of the Greek states, and Persian gold was able to buy influence in them, the rise of Macedonia, and Philip II's and then Alexander's control of Greece tipped the balance of power against Persia. Alexander took the empire's Mediterranean coastline and so removed the Persian fleet, and as on land Persia's military forces were unable to match the power of Macedonian-Greek forces, he was able to defeat them in three major battles, and so take over the Persian Empire.
the location of rome affects the society of rome because in summer they have a warm and dry summer and in winter thay have a mild and rainy winter .
Ancient Rome was powerfully affected by its geography. Being located on seven hills enabled the Romans to defend themselves from their earliest enemies. With these seven hills located astride the Tiber River, the Romans were able to control inland trade -- which made them wealthy. Since the Tiber flowed into the Mediterranean Sea, the Romans were necessarily a seafaring people, both for trade and for military purposes. And that their city was founded in the center of the Italian peninsula meant that they were well-placed to dominate the peoples both to their north and to their south.
He captured the eastern Mediterranean ports to eliminate the Persian navy threat and then defeated the Persian armies.
Rome became dominant in the Western Mediterranean, and with its greatly expanded strength and resources, was able to move on the Eastern Mediterranean.
Rome , after the Punic wars , was able to expand into the former Carthaginian territories and extend Rome's commercial interests throughout the Mediterranean .
The Carthaginians were not able to sail freely across the Mediterranean to attack Rome because of Rome's dominant naval presence and control of key naval routes. Rome's powerful navy and strategic locations along the coast limited Carthage's ability to launch direct attacks on Rome by sea. Additionally, Rome had established naval bases and outposts along the Italian peninsula, making it difficult for Carthage to navigate through Roman-controlled waters without being intercepted.
Rome had hoped to impose such harsh penalties on Carthage that it would lapse into insignificance and not be able to challenge Rome's control over the Mediterranean. The Carthaginians were so resilient that they overcame this and remained as a rival. Rome decided to end this for once and for all, declared war, captured Carthage and sold its people into slavery as a final solution.
It was important to the Romans to control Mediterranean lands because, the more land they would rule and they would have more power. The Romans would also be able to build more monuments.Although the empire grew out the conquests in the Mediterranean and Gaul, it is not that this happened because it was important for Rome to control the Mediterranean lands. It was a process that unfolded over time and was the product of a series of separate events, rather than a grand design of conquest.Originally the Romans expanded into Italy. They then fought the First Punic War against the Carthaginians over the control of Sicily and as a result of the war also gained control of Sardinia and Corsica. This, apart from concerns about the Illyrians on the coast of the Adriatic Sea (next door to Italy), could have been the end of Roman expansion.Things changed when Hannibal, a Carthaginian general, sparked the Second Punic War and attacked Italy from his power base in Spain. By winning this war, Rome gained control of the western basin of the Mediterranean. The conquest of Greece was the result of Rome getting drawn into the conflicts between Greek states, rather than a desire to conquer it. Western Turkey came under Roman control because it had Greek states who were Roman allies. These expansions were not part of a previous design, or a Roman decision to conquer the Mediterranean. It was the result of how things developed. By this time, Rome was the main power in the Mediterranean and did not necessarily need to conquer the whole of the lands around this sea to maintain hegemony.Further expansion started when the king of Pontus, in northeast Turkey, started a war against Rome and tried to get the Greek states to rebel against Rome. This lead to the Mithridatic Wars which Rome won, taking over the rest of Turkey. Successive expansion was due to concerns about political instability in the lands near the new borders of the empire. Syria was decaying and was torn by civil war. The Romans annexed Syria to ensure political stability in the area. Civil war, this time among the Jews, was the reason for Roman intervention in Judaea. Rome sided with one faction and sieged Jerusalem to give power to her ally. Rome did not annex Judaea, but turned it into a client state.
- Places closest to the city of Rome had more rights, places farther from the city of Rome had less rights. -There were many roads all through out the roman empire, leaders were able to travel through the empire.
Rome was able to gain control over the entire peninsula, Greek colonies included
The Phoenicians went all over the western mediterranean (Like North Africa, Spain, Sicily, the Balearic islands, corsica and sardinia) setting up colonies. However their most important and historically settlement was Carthage (In modern day Tunisia) that grew so powerful that it was able to challenge Rome for control over the entire Western Mediterranean.
Rome became the dominant power in the Mediterranean region due to its strong military, effective governance, and strategic alliances. Through a series of military campaigns and expanding its territories, Rome was able to conquer surrounding states and establish itself as a dominant force. Additionally, Rome's ability to integrate conquered territories into its political and social structures helped solidify its power in the region.
The war was fought between Rome and Carthage. Basically the 3 wars resulted in the destruction of Carthage and the Romans gained the territories of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Africa and also Spain.In short it played a major role in the expansion of the roman empire
In the early days of Rome the advantages of her location were that she was in a hilly area (Rome was on the Seven Hills of Rome) and people liked to live on hills because they were easier to defend from raids; the local volcanic rocks provided good building materials; the city was on the only ford on the river Tiber which crossed the region in an east-west direction from the mountain chain of the Apennines to the coast (this made the Rome main north-south communication point in the region); the river Tiber provided a navigable route to the coast, which was 16 miles to the west. Rome's closeness to the Apennine Mountains made it easier to bring water for these mountains by building aqueducts when with her population growth the demand for water exceeded the local supply. The disadvantage was that Rome was surrounded by several peoples who often attacked her and she often had to defend herself on more than one front. When Rome expanded into central and southern Italy and became the major military power in the Mediterranean, Italy's position was advantageous. Italy lies in between the eastern and western basins of the Mediterranean, which made it easier to fight in both of these basins and to control both. During the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) between Rome and Carthage, her big rival in the western Mediterranean, Rome was also able to fight a war in Greece (in the eastern Mediterranean) at the same time. In the Third Punic War, Rome destroyed Carthage, which was in Tunisia. In the same year (146 BC) she also annexed mainland Greece.
haha, i was going to ask the same question, i have this question for homework in my ancient civilizations class