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This question is framed with with a duality of words that mean the same thing. One is stretching, and the other is bending. First, I would have to question your instructor to clarify the redundancy of the question at hand. Essentially they mean the same thing.

Your best bet would be to clarify the question from your instructor first, and following you should probably try studying simplified documents that explain the three branches of government, along with check with the U.S. Constitution articles in how a system of checks and balances were established. If you do this, it would help you answer the question. To give you the answer is complicated because I don't know what material you are working on. You'd be better studying and forming an opinion, as if you use the answer from a person on a forum, it is plagiarism.

Good luck!

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15y ago

It really was flexible i should say. . it was more the anti federalists giving opinions weather to veto compromises or not.

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14y ago

By having implied powers not stated in the document

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Q: How was the constitution written as a flexible framework of government?
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What are the seven characteristics of civilization and how they relate to Sumer?

Technology Art Religion Organized Government Class Division Stable Food Supply Written Language :)

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The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.

What declaration was based on the Declaration of Independence?

The core idea of the Declaration was written by John Locke and it was that man had natural rights given by God and that men form governments to protect these rights. When a government no longer serves to protect the rights or protect man that they have the right to change the government. Jefferson, then lists, the charges against the King as to why he hasn't proected the rights given by God. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was based on the Declaration of Independence in the United States.

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What did the constitution provide for the American people?

a written plan for a representative form of government

What was accomplished at the constitution in 1787?

The constitution and the government framework was written creating the United States.

What would happen ifThere was no written constitution?

The constitution is the framework of government. If there was framework it would be confusing because no one would know how things are done or what to do.

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A constitution is a framework for government and the new nation, to survive, needed a better framework since the "confederation" didn't work. This meant they had to create a document that was able to create the government needed. So, the constitution was written from May to Sept. 1787 to form the government.

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A good written constitution is clear, concise, and easily understood by the citizens it governs. It should provide a solid framework for government structures, rights, and responsibilities, while also being flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Additionally, a good constitution should be supported by a system of checks and balances to prevent abuses of power.

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An example of a written law is the U.S. Constitution, which establishes the framework of the federal government, outlines the powers of each branch, and protects the fundamental rights of citizens.

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