Everyone was poor so they were all treated the same by the 10% who were noble. They were treated as if they needed to serve them and they expected to as well. There were no "rights" or talk of "freedom".
There were various groups of poor people during the Middle Ages.
In the Early Middle Ages, the poorest people were slaves.
In Western Europe, the Church opposed slavery, and so it was outlawed in various places, except as a form of punishment. As this happened, a new class of people called serfs emerged. Serfs were not slaves, but were not free to move from one place to another, and had to spend their lives on the manorial estate where they were born. Slavery continued in Eastern Europe during this time, and serfdom was gradually abandoned during the Late Middle Ages.
There were other classes of people who were very poor, but were neither slaves nor serfs. Many of them were laborers who lived in cities. Others were people who traveled about looking for work or who worked in transportation as laborers.
Did the people from medieval times play checkers?
The word medieval is an adjective. It describes something relating to the Middle Ages.
"Medieval Age" no it was not the medieval age. it was the twentieth century,and before that it was the renaissance.
Vassal, Bailiff, Reeve, Serf, Peasant, Cottager and servant ..... farmer, carpenter, baker, cooper, blacksmith, coppersmith, herder, hunter, sailor, miner, miller, housewife, merchant, stone carver, priest and many others.
There were many people in a royal family in medieval times. These were the king, queen, prince, princess, queen mother, regent, clergy, nobility, and tradesmen and merchants.
The poor and the rich did go to medieval festivals.
i think poor peole had to walk
2 they was poor
Yeah. They were both people.
They where treted poorly.
it is a poor person that makes arrows
wool mostly
The Wealthy & Poor.
The medieval cart and wheel makers were not considered rich or poor. They were somewhere in between the two classes of wealth and mostly represented the middle class.
they treted very bad