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It is a name for the goddess, Artemis, because she was born on Mount Kynthus (Cynthus) on the sacred island of Delos.

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Q: In Greek mythology what is Cynthia?
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What does synthia means?

"Synthia" is a name of Greek origin that means "from the moon" or "of the moon." It can also be a variant spelling of Cynthia, which means "moon goddess" in Greek mythology.

Where is the name Cynthia from?

The name Cynthia is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cynthia is "from Mount Kynthos". Here's a part from Mythology: Kynthia was one of the names of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, referring to her birthplace on Mount Kynthos. Cynthia is a Spanish form of "Kynthia". The nick name for Cynthia is Cindy. Lucinda is on of the diminutives from Cynthia.

Do you capitalize Greek mythology?

Capitalize only the G i n Greek but not the mythology. It should be Greek mythology.

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Boltar is not from Greek mythology.

What in Greek mythology is rome?

Greek mythology is about the ancient Greek gods. Rome was not an ancient Greek god.

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Which is older Greek mythology or the Bible?

Greek Mythology is older.

What does still mean in Greek mythology?

there is no such thing in greek mythology.

What was the lesson greek mythology?

There was no lesson; what we call Greek mythology was the Ancient Greek's religion.