Atlas was a Titan, the son of Iapetus and Clymene.
The Titans are a race of godlike giants who were considered to be the personifications of the forces of nature.
The city of Troy was in Greece, so the Trojans would be Greek.
Yes, every greek god, titan just about anything greek has a symbol.
The moral of the Greek myth of Atalanta's race is the importance of perseverance, determination, and accepting help when needed. It also highlights the consequences of hubris and underestimating others.
"He" is inconclusive. There were more then one "he" who gave qualities to man in Greek Myth - there was even more then one race of man!
in greek myth, the titans were a race that came from gods having children with human women. Most of them had superhuman abilities e.g hercules.
This tribe of women warriors is a myth. Its a myth.
Run in Greek is τρέχω [treho]
The greek root for birth or race is gen
ya he lose to juan Camargo in a race
Jupiter caused the Great Deluge, a flood, because in Greek Myth the Bronze Age (a race of people before humans) were corrupt.
Balto wins the race.
well I'll be franc,,, deadly and dangerous..
1- you WILL lose 2- you MIGHT get eaten before you race 3- good luck getting it to race in the first place -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, but you'd lose.