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Because inspite of his father's warning,he flew too high and the sun melted the wax on his wings.

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Q: In the Greek Legend of Icarus and Daedulus why do the wings of Icarus melt?
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=He is one of the characters in super smash bros brawl, and there was a==legend that daedulus made the wings of icarus for pit but he flew to==high and the sun melted all the wax of the wings.=

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I believe it was Daedalus, who gave the wings to Icarus

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Icarus flew to close to the sun with the wings that were held together by wax the wax melted and the wings fell apart and he drowned

Who were Daedalus and Icarus in Greek mythology?

Daedalus is the father of Icaurs. Icarus in Greek mythology was to escape the Crete by the means of wings his father Daedalus created with feathers and wax.

What Greek flew too high melted his wax wings and fell into sea?


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Icarus is a boy of which flew too high to the sun and fell in to the sea, where he drowned. Icarus had just escaped (with his father) from jail, his father was a crafts men and you are probably wondering how he flew? Well his father the whole time of being there-had been making wings out of wax both for him and Icarus. He told Icarus not to fly to close to the sun, Icarus did and his wings melted and he fell and fell and drowned in the sea below.

What did icarus try to do?

Icarus is a part of Greek Mythology. Icarus tried to escape from Crete with wings made of wax from his father. Icarus didnÍt hollow his fatherÍs instruction to not fly close to the sun and when he did his wings melted and he fell in to the sea and drowned.

In The Legend of Icarus where did Daedalus get the wax to make the wings from?

That is an undisclosed secret.

What did the first flyers mention in Greek literature?

The first known mention of flight in Greek literature can be found in the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. Daedalus created wings made of feathers and wax for himself and his son, Icarus, to escape from Crete. However, when Icarus flew too close to the sun, the wax on his wings melted, and he fell into the sea.

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In Greek mythology, Icarus is the flyer known for flying too close to the sun, resulting in his wax wings melting and him falling into the sea.

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Greek inventor Daedalus escaped the labyrinth of Minos by carving wax wings for himself and his son, Icarus. They flew out of the labyrinth using them. Despite the warnings of his father, Icarus flew too high and his wax wings melted by the heat of sun. Daedalus was able to escape but Icarus fell to his death.