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Q: In the first century B C Egypt became a colony of?
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What was Egypt once a colony of?

Egypt first became a province under the Persian Empire, not the Macedonian Empire which came later. Take note that the Persian conquered Egypt only a century before Alexander the Great arrived on the scene, so to speak, as a military force under the Hegemonic forces of the Panhellenistic league in 338 B.C.

Who became the first pharaoh in Egypt?

Menes was the first pharaoh of Egypt

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Jamestown was established/founded in 1607 and became the first permanent English colony in America.

What was the first colony in Africa?

The first colony in Africa was the Greek controlled areas of Egypt in the 500's BC.

What colony became the first permanent English colony in America?


What colony became the first permanent English colony in the New World that later became the US?

The first permanent English colony was Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. It was the first to be settled in the Americas.

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It was is the year 1632.yes it was

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Delaware was first settled in the 16th century by the Dutch and was made part of their colony "New Netherlands" that also included New York. In the late 17th century the colony was conquered by James, Duke of York and it became part of Britain's american colonies.

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it was a colony at first but after time passed it became a state...I think

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The first Europeans to establish a colony in what later became New York State was the Dutch. They settled there in around 1613.