No. He is not real. Hercules is the Roman name for the mythical Greek demigod Heracles. He is the son of a god (Jupiter to the Greeks and Zeus to he Romans) who married a mortal woman.
Hercules is a mythological demi-god. This means that he has never existed as a real person.
yes it was
The real name for the greek hero "Hercules" was Heracles, but when the Romans invaded and took over the adopted the myth and named the hero Hercules. So Hercules is roman, but Heracles is greek.
The person that killed was Nessus, the centaur.:)
Hercules is a mythological demi-god. This means that he has never existed as a real person.
the real nickname of Hercules i the great warrior
Yes ares is the same person as hercules
No. Hercules was not a real person, just a hero of mythology
No, Hercules is a mythical figure who never lived. Sampson however was very real. His account can be found in Judges.
yes it was
You have to get Hercules
The real name for the greek hero "Hercules" was Heracles, but when the Romans invaded and took over the adopted the myth and named the hero Hercules. So Hercules is roman, but Heracles is greek.
The evil character in Disney's Hercules is primarily known as Hades. He is the god of the underworld and plots against Hercules throughout the movie.
No, because: - Hercules was a mythological figure, not a real person, - the stories about him take place long before 366 B.C. - Greece was never truly united before Philip of Macedon's conquests.