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That's difficult to answer. The names of the God of the Underworld were often conflated and confused, which makes this difficult to answer clearly. In most modern tellings, Pluto was the name of the Roman version of Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. Hades was also the name of the Greek Underworld, while the Romans called it Orcus. More accurately, though, Classical Age Greeks were already calling Hades by another name, for fear of drawing his ire by using his name too often (or to prevent confusion with the name of the land itself). Usually, they called him Ploutodotēs (giver of wealth), or the diminutive Ploutōn. This was later Latinzed to 'Pluto'. The Romans actually didn't refer to their underworld god as "Pluto" (unless they were retelling the name from Greek - which most Romans spoke), but rather as Dis Pater, which means "Rich Father." They would also sometimes called him Orcus, after the land over which he ruled. So, in summation, Pluto is actually Greek, though so is Hades.

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Q: Is Pluto roman or Greek mythology?
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Who is King of Underworld in Ancient Rome?

In roman mythology Pluto is the king of the underworld, his greek counterpart is Hades.

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Many Roman gods were direct copies of Greek gods simply renamed; as in Zeus becoming Jupiter, Hades becoming Pluto, etc.

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Is Pluto the God of underworld?

Yes, Pluto is the Roman name for Hates, the god of the underworld in Greek Mythology.

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In which mythology?: In greek mythology it is Hades In Roman it is Pluto but please specify!

Is Pluto a brother of Zeus?

No, Pluto is not a brother of Zeus. In Greek mythology, Pluto, also known as Hades, is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. However, in Roman mythology, Pluto is the god of the underworld and is not considered a brother of Zeus.

Roman name for Pluto?

Pluto (Hades) was known as Dis Pater in Roman mythology.

Who is the god of the under world Roman mythology?

Pluto, the equivalent of the Greek god Hades.

Which greek god is the devil?

None of them: the devil is a Biblical/Christian belief. In greek mythology Hades is the god of the Underworld. While in Roman mythology it is Pluto.

Who is the goddess of Pluto?

Pluto is considered a "God" in Ancient mythology.In Ancient history, Pluto is referred to in Roman mythology as the King of the underworld, in Greek mythology Pluto is referred to as Hades.Please see related link below.