In Greek mythology, Narcissus was the boy who fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water.
Both of the stoicism and epicureanism want human happiness with out pain
Stoicism is a school of philosophic thought founded during the Hellenistic civilization time. This particular school of thought, founded by Zeno of Citium, taught that emotions resulted from judgment errors.
When Greeks spread throughout the near east they took their gods with them
Aztecs valued honor, loyalty, humility, stoicism, and ritual traditions. Yes, they did sacrifice humans, but it was considered an honor to be sacrificed. When they played their famous ball game (like soccer, except the goals were hoops high on the walls), it was actually the WINNERS that got to be sacrificed to the gods.
The greatest philosopher of all time was Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC to 322 BC). He had so many inputs in many aspects such as logic, history, sciences (physics, geology, metaphysics, biology, psychology), philosophies, Christianity and even women and a lot more.
cynicism, skepticism, stoicism, and epicurean-ism.
Some of the most popular Hellenistic philosophies were Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Skepticism. Stoicism emphasized self-control, rationality, and acceptance of fate; Epicureanism focused on attaining happiness through the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain; Skepticism promoted the suspension of judgment and the questioning of all beliefs.
The word stoicism is a noun. Stoicism is an indifference to pleasure or pain.
Answer this question…How were epicureanism and stoicism similar?
Stoicism is a Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zenon of Citium in Athens.
That is the correct spelling of "stoicism" (philosophy of reason and unemotional logic).
Both of the stoicism and epicureanism want human happiness with out pain
It takes some stoicism for me to get through a boring day of work.
Despite the pain of his injuries, the wounded soldier faced his long rehabilitation with stoicism.
You just said stoicism!!! so my job here is done. you dum
Marcus is a remarkable young man and goes about his daily life with great Stoicism. :)