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As of now not yet But there is one in Gametorrents but were not sure.. since its a rar. file

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Q: Is there a Tales of the world radiant mythology 2 English patch yet?
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Hi there Im from Philippines... and I also play MHP2nd G if you want to patch it in English first you must have the papimeru patch... it's latest patch is version 2.7 I guess..... and then extract the files in it.... put it in the root of your psp.... in psp/game/ (folder)... caution: the monster hunter 2nd G must be in ISO fromat not in CSO for you to patch it.... and then after you put it in the psp.... activate the patch and after you patch it you may delete the patcher.... for updates, visit happy playing..

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Yes. To use the patch you have to be able to run a game ISO on your PSP which requires CFW