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There were no rivers in Ancient Greece.

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Q: Is there a major water source in ancient greece?
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What major water way was ancient Greece and Rome located on?

The Mediterranean Sea

What was a major source of water for the Indus civilizations?

monsoon rains

The development of early civilization usually depended upon what?

In order for early civilizations to develope they needed a good source of water. With water they could irrigate their crops and improve travel. If they did not have a solid source of water to develop farming early civilizations like the Egyptians(Nile River), Mesopotamians (Tigrus and Euphrates Rivers), or Indus river civilizations would not have survived.

How were oases used by the ancient Egyptians?

The Pharaohs and officials of ancient Egypt would use them as shady retreats from the hot desert sun, and they were a source of water and hydration for all. Oases were often used as religious and sacred sites too.

What were some of the physical and social needs of the people in ancient Greece?

The physical needs were met by clean water, public baths, free grain and oil allotments, public latrines and on special occasions, the emperor would give a "donation" to all the citizens of Rome. Their social needs were satisfied by the free entertainments at the races and in the amphitheater. As the Romans were and "outdoor" society, the people were provided with parks or as the Romans called them, gardens. In the afternoons, there was usually some type of ball game in these parks where anyone could join in. The public baths were the main source of socializing. Even if you did not want to get wet, you could always go for the gossip.