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King Narmer united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt during his rule in the 1st Dynasty.

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Q: King Narmer united which two kingdoms?
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What king united Egypt into one kingdom?

Menes (Narmer) king of Upper Egypt united the two kingdoms in around 3000BC. (Upper Egypt was united with Lower Egypt, that is the White Crown was united with the Red Crown.)

What was significant about joining of the two kingdoms in egyept under narmer?

Cheese & pancakes nuff said. :3

Who was the first king to unite upper and lower Egypt?

The first pharaoh to have united the "two lands" of Upper and Lower Egypt was said to have been King Narmer in 3000 b.c. Thereafter the pharaoh of Egypt was represented wearing a double crown (cat. no. 50a) that combined the white crown of Upper Egypt (cat. no. 26) and the red crown of Lower Egypt (cat. no. 51). Other symbols of the unification of the two lands are combined on the royal regalia: from Lower Egypt, the cobra or uraeus and from Upper Egypt, the vulture.I hope that answered your question!the pharaoh that united Egypt is not called narmer in fact there was no such person that ruled us and they united in 1554 bc and the crown was red and white and i think the phaoroah that united Egypt was called Atem (توم .i hope this gves a btter understanding of the question you asked

Who founded the first egyiptian empire?

Many historians believe that the first Egyptian empire was founded by Narmer in 3100 BC BCE. He unified the two Egyptian kingdoms. The upper & lower Egyptian civilizations.

When was Egypt created?

Farming communities were formed along the River Nile ca.4000BC. Later two kingdoms were established: Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. In about 3000BC the two kingdoms were united and Egypt became a kingdom under one pharaoh (king).

Related questions

The king that united the two Egyptian kingdoms?

King Narmer

What significant about the joining of the Two kingdoms under Narmer?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

What was significant about the joining of two kingdoms under narmer?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

What was significant of the joining of the two kingdoms under Narmer?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

What was significant about the joining of the two kingdoms?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

Which of these two kings is NOT said to have unified the two kingdoms of Egypt?

King Narmer

What king united Egypt into one kingdom?

Menes (Narmer) king of Upper Egypt united the two kingdoms in around 3000BC. (Upper Egypt was united with Lower Egypt, that is the White Crown was united with the Red Crown.)

What are three details of narmer?

I had this same question to on my social studies packet so i'm pretty sure three details would be .. 1) Narmer is also known as Menes. 2) Narmer united two kingdoms 3) Narmer was king of upper egypt and ruled or took over lower egypt.

Why did upper and lower Egypt unify?

King Menes/Narmer unified the two different Kingdoms. Presumably he did this through conquest.

Who is king narmer?

King Narmer was an Ancient Egyptian king that is thought to be the same person as the Scorpion King. He united upper and lower Egypt and created the double crown, which is worn by the king of upper and lower Egypt.

What was significant about joining of the two kingdomes under?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

What two areas of Egypt were united in 3100 B.C?

About 3100 B.C., Narmer the king of Upper Egypt, led his armies north and took control of Lower Egypt.