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They think of it as a god, the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The ancient people worshiped the sun.

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What did many ancient people think about the sun?

They thought the sun god (the Aten) was reborn each day from the dead from which they copied their beliefs on life after death for humans and gods.

Who thought that the sun went round earth?

In ancient times, many people, including the ancient Greeks and Romans, believed that the sun moved around the Earth. This geocentric model of the universe was popular until the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus in the 16th century.

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Ancient people were afraid of eclipses because they thought a dragon or other animal was eating the sun. In some cultures, people also believed that an eclipse signaled diseases such as smallpox.

How might the sun have made ancient peoples apprehensive?

They thought that eclipses of the sun would cause disasters

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yes ancient Aztecs did because they thought if the gosd did not have human blood they would not have strength to rise and set the sun and also they use the blood of the jailed people from the army that they captured

Who was the sun god of ancient Egypte?

Ra, or Re was the sun god of ancient Egypt, depicted with a human body and the head of a hawk. He was thought to be the creator and controller of the universe,

What did people used to think about the Sun?

In ancient times, people believed that the Sun was a deity and worshipped it as a god in various cultures. They thought that the Sun controlled the day and the night, and its movement across the sky was seen as a symbol of life, death, and rebirth. There were also beliefs that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

How did the olden people view the sun?

Ancient people viewed the sun as God.

How long have people known about the sun?

Always! Everyone knows that the sun is in the sky. Many ancient religions involved some kind of sun-worship.

How did ancient people measure time?

The sun, the stars.

Who prposed a sun-centered solar system?

Copernicus, but I'm sure there was an ancient Greek who thought of it before he did.

Why was it important to worship the sun because people thought it looked cool?

people love the sun and they reallythought it looked cool