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From the very beginning of the ancient Egyptian civilization the first people of the Nile Valley were Cushite people(native africans who's history can be traced back to the dawn of man). Semites were the second group of people to enter Egypt. Ancient Egyptians were a mixture of native Cushites(africans) and Semitic groups(a tanned skinned near eastern group) who settled into Egypt. Most of the very known pharaohs and queens from Narmer Menes to Ramses,Seti,Nefertari,Queen tiye,Akhenaten,Nefertiti,the Tuthmosis family and Tutankhamen were all of African origin except Cleopatra (mixed heritage) and Alexander the great(Greek). The best image of ancient Egyptians is how East Africa looks of today. Ancient Egyptians were of African origin.

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13y ago

Middle Eastern and white Thats one of the the biggest lie first middle eastern is not a race of people , egyptians are not white they are mix with all sorts of diffrent people the foreparent of egyptians are black and a massive black population of blacks still live egypt. middle easter are a mixture of semetic ,semetic hamatic which means that they are mix with black and other people for example the people of iraq are decedencance of variey of diffrent people mainly cushite or etheopian Saudi Arabia and and neaby county was called etheopia in The Bible because the people look the same as in egypt and the rest of Africa.

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