Marathon was a plain. The combined armies of Athens and Plataea defeated a Persian punitive expedition on the Marathon plain.
It was not the Greeks, it was Athens and its ally Plataia. The Athenians waited on the edge of the Plain of Marathon for reinforcement from Sparta. Then saw the superior Persian cavalry being embarked on ships and ran down and defeated the unsupported inferior Persian infantry.
A Doric
Sod busters.
on a map
Marathon... No Joke
In ancient times, Athens (and other Greek allies) secured one decisive victory over its traditional enemy, Persia, on a coastal plain called Marathon. Occurring in 490 B.C.E., this battle was won by the Greeks against a much larger force and ended a Persian invasion-threat.
Marathon is a word known worldwide through its link to the race (26 miles and 385 yards) in the Olympic Games. Many also know that its origin honors the Greek runner who raced to Athens to announce to the anxious Athenians that they had defeated the Persians at Marathon. He had strength only to deliver the message before he collapsed and died.
Athens - the Plain of Marathon was part of Athens' territory.
The plain located 26 miles northeast of Athens is the Marathon plain. It is famous for being the site of the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC, where the Athenians defeated the Persians.
In 490 BCE in the Plain of Marathon and the same day before the walls of Athens.
Mountain, plain, by the sea.
On the Plain of Marathon, 26 miles north of Athens.
On the Plain of Marathon, 26 miles nort of Athens,
Marathon is a plain just north of Athens. It was the site of a battle where Athens and Plataea defeated a Persian expeditionary force.