You need to have more information but yes, there is a great Python in greek mythology. Answer 2: Click link below, then choose 'Python' from menu!
Python was the name of a great monstrous serpent-like earth-dragon in ancient Greek mythology. He presided the Oracle of Delphi. Olympian god Apollon slain the dragon and became the protector of the Oracle.
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
Boltar is not from Greek mythology.
Greek Mythology is older.
I apologize, but Istra is NOT in Greek Mythology. Sorry!!
Apollo shot Python with his golden bow.
A large serpent slain by Apollo. So the term has its roots in Greek mythology.
Python was the name of a monster killed by Apollo. Other monsters were killed by Zeus and Hercules.
Python was the name of a great monstrous serpent-like earth-dragon in ancient Greek mythology. He presided the Oracle of Delphi. Olympian god Apollon slain the dragon and became the protector of the Oracle.
Delphi is a Greek city where Gaia sent Python (a huge serpent) to guard the oracle. Apollo laid claim to the shrine and killed Python, apparently to avenge his mother Leto who had been pursued by Python during her pregnancy.
Capitalize only the G i n Greek but not the mythology. It should be Greek mythology.
Joseph Eddy Fontenrose has written: 'Notes on some Didymaean inscriptions' -- subject(s): Inscriptions, Greek, Greek Inscriptions 'Didyma' -- subject(s): Religious life and customs, Cult, Cults, Apollo (Greek deity), Oracles, Greek, Greek Oracles 'Python' -- subject(s): Dragons, Mythology, Greek, Delphian oracle, Good and evil, Greek Mythology 'The Delphic oracle' -- subject(s): Delphian oracle, Oracles 'Orion' -- subject(s): Mythology, Greek, Orion (Greek mythology), Hunting, Mythology, Greek Mythology 'Classics at Berkeley' -- subject(s): Study and teaching, Classical philology, University of California, Berkeley. Dept. of Classics, Berkeley University of California 'Steinbeck's unhappy valley' 'The festival called Boegia at Didyma' -- subject(s): Inscriptions, Greek, Festivals, Greek Inscriptions
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
Boltar is not from Greek mythology.
Greek mythology is about the ancient Greek gods. Rome was not an ancient Greek god.
Isis is not in greek mythology just mythology she is a egyption goddess
In Greek mythology it is Poseidon and in roman mythology it is Neptune