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He represented the spirit of independence leadership and violence.

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Q: Romulus' inpact on Romans
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Were Romans scared of Romulus and Remus?

There weren't any Romans before Romulus and Remus, according to the story.

How long did the Romans fight Romulus?

The Roimans did not fight Romulus. He was the founder of the city.

What is Romulus' impact on Romans?


What are some famous Romans?

Romulus, Remus, Ceaser, Mark Antony ? I think Romulus was the inventor of Rome ;)

Who founded Rome according to Romans?

According to the Romans, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus.

Who is the legendary founder of Romans?

It where the twin-brothers Romulus and Remus

Which god did the Romans worshipp?

Mars the god of war was the Romans' main deity. They believed he was Romulus' father.

What is the theme of romulus and remus?

They were teaching the Romans to be vicious like the twins.

The romulus and Remus showed that Romans valued what?

A wolf because Romulus and Remus were rised part of there life by a wolf

The story of Romulus and Remus is a myth about the?

What can the myth of the founding of Rome, Romulus and Remus, tell us about what the Romans thought about their city?

What happened to Remus and Romulus?

romulus killed remus. romulus mysteriously vanished during a storm. the Romans believed that he was taken up to heaven and is now worshipped as the god Quirinus.

What was Rome's legendary founder?

As to the founder of Rome, you have a choice. Romulus or Aeneas. They are both myths and the Romans used each of them.