The Mycenaean civilization of Ancient Greece took many of its cues from earlier Minoan civilization. It flourished in the late Bronze Age, but mysteriously collapsed and Greece did not experience such heights of civilization against for many centuries.Mycenaean civilization is described as the Culture of Bronze Age Greece.
The Minoans influenced their civilization.
rome Rome was after the Greek civilization
During the Dark Age in Ancient Greece, the Mycenaean civilization began to decline, wars broke out between city-states, and there were earthquakes all over Greece.
The Dorians, along with a helpful hand by internal power struggles.
The Mycenaean places were held as tombs for the Mycenaean's.
The Minoan Civilization on Crete, arose from about 3000 BCE. The Mycenaean civilization on mainland Greece, arose from about 1550 BCE.
The Mycenaean Civilization
The Mycenaean civilization adopted much of its culture from the Minoans.
TheDorian'sbrought theMycenaean civilization or kingdom to an end in 1150 B.C and the Mycenaean civilization began in 1600 B.C