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copper, gold, and silver

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Q: The essential resources used by early peoples were?
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What are the 3 essential resources used by early people?

water, animals , fertile land

What is one theory about why early peoples migrated from Asia to the America?

They Used A land Bridge

What can you know about early peoples from studying the tools they used?

We know from studying tools that early peoples were very successful with making the tool sharp and long enough to kill the prey/food. Hope i answer your question :)

How was gold used by the early people?

1) A form of currency was a way early peoples used gold. 2) Close belongings of kings and queens may have been old.

How did early herders and farmers use natural resources?

They used grass and hay as food

What did early man used to make the buildings in the first Village?

They used the Natural Resources they found in their environment.

What essential recources were used by the early humans?

the essentirl recources that are used by the earliest humans were sheep, animals, weeds, stones, sticks, and wool.

What are some of the natural resources that the Aleut peoples used?

Animal skin for there Clothe and lived in underground houses made with tress. That all i know

How did early man cross over Berin Straits?

According to plate tectonics there used to be a land bridge between Russia/Alaska that early peoples crossed over following animal herds.

What did the native peoples mainly trade in exchange for English tools pots and copper?

The native peoples mainly traded furs, animal skins, and other natural resources in exchange for English tools, pots, and copper. These resources were highly valued by the English settlers, who used them in trade with other countries or for their own consumption and production purposes.

What resources did paleolithic people use?

Paleolithic people used stone, bone, wood, and other natural materials to create tools for hunting, fishing, and gathering. They also utilized fire for cooking, warmth, and protection. Cave paintings and carvings suggest they used their surroundings as artistic and symbolic resources as well.

How did aboriginal peoples use resources?

1. Aboriginals had many uses for rocks. They used them for carving spears out of wood then at a later stage placing a rock on the end of their spear they also used them for painting and their art.