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Q: They used what ancient Greek device to find latitude?
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Where can you find ancient Greek recipes?

In Greece and Greek cookbooks.

Did Ancient Greek Invented Planes?

Yes, Ancient Greek did Invented Plane's you could find it in your Social Studies Book

How do you find the latitude of northern hemisphere?

To find the latitude in the northern hemisphere, you can use a GPS device or online map tools that provide latitude information based on your current location. Additionally, you can determine latitude using a sextant and celestial navigation techniques by measuring the angle of the North Star above the horizon.

Why are greek historian's important?

Because they find well imformation that is very ancient

Where can I find pictures of ancient Greek clothing?

Ancient Greek clothing was generally flowing and plain. Pictures can be found in history text books, or by doing a quick search online.

What is the quadrent?

The quadrant is something that measures latitude, it was used mostly in the ancient times by sailors to find out where the north star was :-)

How gps works?

Global positional systems (GPS) work by triangulating your position based upon finding your longitude and latitude. A device will find longitude and latitude and the GPS will read that and translate it into maps.

What is the ancient Greek word for fire?

Its πύρ (pir). You can find it as a prefix as pyr- or pyro- .

Where to find Oedipus in the Bible?

Oedipus is not in the Bible but in the drama of the ancient Greek tragedian Sophocles.

Why isn't there a category for mythology in this application WikiAnswers?

You will find the WikiAnswers category 'Myths and Folklore' at the link below. Another place for mythology questions would be Ancient Religions, since Greek and Roman "mythology" was actually part of the religious beliefs of ancient Greeks and Romans. You can find Greek Mythology at 'History Politics and Society/Ancient History/Greek Mythology'.

How do you find the latitude of a city?

You can find the latitude of a city by searching for it in a mapping service like Google Maps or by using a GPS device. The latitude is the coordinate that indicates how far north or south a location is from the equator.

How do you find Poseidon?

Poseidon is a figure from Greek mythology, so you can learn more about him by reading ancient Greek texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey. You can also find information about Poseidon in books about Greek mythology, or by exploring websites dedicated to Greek gods and goddesses.