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Prometheus is the titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. In many later versions of the story, he is also responsible for creating humans in the first place out of clay. His brother, Epimetheus, created animals first and gave them all of the useful gifts available - claws, wings, better senses - and so Prometheus gave people fire/civilization so they would have a chance.

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Q: Titans of Greek mythology responsible for the creation of humans?
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I suppose it depends on whose point of view. Like the previous answer, it does vary by each Titan, but as a whole... The gods considered the Titans, as a whole, to be evil, their enemies. There were exceptions, of course. Humans, not so much. Under the Titans, humans had their Golden Age. Under the gods... the gods were laughable incompetent and corrupt. Humans suffered underneath them. Granted, this is all opinion, but in a hypothetical situation where I, as a human, had to choose between throwing either the Titans or the gods into Tartarus, it would be the gods every time.

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What are the attitudes of the gods and goddesses in the film Clash of the Titans?

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Who designed wings for humans in greek mythology?
