Paris was mortally wounded in the Trojan war by Philoctetes.
The real name for the greek hero "Hercules" was Heracles, but when the Romans invaded and took over the adopted the myth and named the hero Hercules. So Hercules is roman, but Heracles is greek.
Supposedly, Hercules was buried in Cadiz which is located in Spain. But according to Greek legend, "Heracles" as he was called, made a funeral pyre in his dying moments and once he lay himself on it Poeas (father of Philoctetes) set his body ablaze.
Nope , Heracles is a Greek myth. It is even possible that he was not Greek but "borrowed" from another religion. Either way it is not probable for him to have existed in reality.
The eleventh labour of Heracles recounts his journey to the Garden of the Hesperides to steal the golden apples and slaying Ladon. See link
To come to the Trojan war, and to retrevie Philoctetes and the bows and arrows of Heracles.
The story of Philoctetes is in Sophocles' play Philoctetes (not in the Iliad). Philoctetes had inherited Heracles' magical bow which according to a prophecy the Greeks needed in order to be able to conquer Troy. (Philoctetes' bow eventually killed Paris - one of the heroes who needed to be killed before the city could fall). Since Philoctetes had been marooned on the island of Lemnos during the voyage to Troy (Philoctetes' had a septic wound, the Greeks could no longer stand the sight or the smell of it) Odysseus and Diomedes set out for Lemnos to persuade Philoctetes to lend his magical bow.
In one version of a myth on Heracles and the twelve labors, Heracles did for a while.
Heracles never lived. He was a mythiological character in Greek and Roman stories.
Hercules was from the culture of the Romans. His Greek name was Heracles. The legend of Hercules originates from the myth of Heracles, an ancient Greek myth. Hercules is his Roman name, in the Roman adaptation of the original Greek tale.
A myth; as it recalls the ancient Greek religion passed down to us as myths. It is, however, legendary in fame.
We read this during our mythology unit... HIS NEPHEW LOLAUS.
Herecules was important because he was a mortal who became a god{myth}
Paris was mortally wounded in the Trojan war by Philoctetes.
The real name for the greek hero "Hercules" was Heracles, but when the Romans invaded and took over the adopted the myth and named the hero Hercules. So Hercules is roman, but Heracles is greek.
In astrology, the zodiac sign Leo is associated with the myth of the Nemean Lion, a powerful beast with an impenetrable hide that terrorized the region of Nemea. In the myth, the hero Heracles (Hercules) was tasked with defeating the lion as one of his twelve labors. Leo is said to embody qualities such as courage, strength, and leadership, reflecting the heroic attributes of Heracles in overcoming challenges.