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The pyramids were not painted although a particular type of stone was used to obtain the desired effect. For example, the three pyramids at Giza were cased in polished white stone which made them gleam in the sunlight. The top stone or pyramidon was sometimes cased in gold.

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Q: Were the Egyptian Pyramids colored or painted in anyway?
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The difference between a Mesopotamian ziggurat and an Egyptian pyramid?

Ziggurats are terraced pyramids with successively receding sides, while the Egyptian pyramids (the later ones anyway) have smooth sides going up to a paint. Also Ziggurats are temples while the pyramids are burial grounds.

How Pointy is the tip of a pyramid?

Well Whoever has asked this question i think they have a big brain with lots of KNOWLEDGE... Anyway the pyramids back in those days were very prickly and so stiff. Infact they are so stiff that not even a big stomach could brake them LOL... hi i have thought this answer through my head very clearly

Who was herishef?

The name Herishef is a variant of Harsaphes or Heryshaf, the Egyptian ram-headed god who was also identified with Ra and Osiris. The name Herishef seems to be used more on French and Spanish websites: The English version of Wikipedia lists this deity as Heryshaf, but the names Harsaphes and Herishef seem to be more common. (From the number of hits returned from a Google search, anyway.)

What is the hagira?

The Hagira was a princess in ancient Egyptians times. She was known for her kindness,dignity. She was also the most pretty women in the history of ancient Egypt. She died and Egyptians say that her GREATEST GRANDAUGHTER will come back. Maybe she already is here or yet coming. Anyway when she arrives she will free Egypt from evil and will become queen. Like once her GREATEST GRANDMOTHER was. Time will tell us when she arrives. But for all means she must be a true Egyptian and then she will become a true queen. LETS SEE WHAT HISTORY HOLD.

What did ancient Egyptian children wear?

poorer women and men in ancient Egypt wore white cloths made out of linen that they wrapped around themselves, while richer people wore fine cloth robes with lots of color. children and babies wore nothing because back then people didn't care and the babies would probably like it better anyway! another reason was because it was very hot.

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The difference between a Mesopotamian ziggurat and an Egyptian pyramid?

Ziggurats are terraced pyramids with successively receding sides, while the Egyptian pyramids (the later ones anyway) have smooth sides going up to a paint. Also Ziggurats are temples while the pyramids are burial grounds.

What would you get if all the cars in the US were painted red?

umm... is this a random question or a riddle cuz' if it is i don't get it Anyway, i guess everyone would want a different colored car or repaint their cars back to normal.

Did the people that built the pyramids get paid in anyway by the pharaoh?

Yes in food clothing and housing

Doe the Jonas brothers like Egyptian girls?

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i hope they do like the Egyptian girls and come to see Egypt anyway thanks a lot

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Why do you need to know who is that anyway? So your answer is NO!

Anyway to lighten eyes without honey or eyedrops?

You can lighten eyes by using temporary, colored contacts.

What was life like for Egyptian children?

life 4 children in Egypt is very bad they are slaves and usally die of hunger anyway

What was daily life like for Egyptian children?

life 4 children in Egypt is very bad they are slaves and usally die of hunger anyway

Who bought the sunflower by Vincent van Gogh?

Since Vincent painted 8 Sunflower paintings, there are eight answers to your question. Anyway, none of them was sold by VIncent.

Is it serious if your baby has purple colored gums and why does this happen?

My first guess would be that it is normal for your child. But I personally would have it checked by a doctor or dentist anyway. Just to be safe.

What did Leonardo da Vinci do anyway?

He painted, sculpted, and invented things that are still incredibly famous to this day. Painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, etc. I bet he probably was a baker too.

Are zebras purple or orange?

Neither; they are usually black and white. However, if painted or other unusual phenomenon occurs, they can be purple or orange. Disclaimer: this answer is not meant to be racist (color-wise) in anyway.