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Cleopatra ascended the throne of Egypt in 51 BCE after her father dies and she marries her brother, Ptolemy XIII. In 49 BCE Cleopatra is expelled from Alexandria by a revolt staged by Ptolemy XIII's guardians. In 48 BCE Cleopatra meets Julius Caesar. In 47 BCE Caesar and Cleopatra defeat her Egyptian enemies and she takes the throne back. In 44 BCE Cleopatra has her youngest brother Ptolemy XV poisoned so that her son can rule Egypt when he is older. In 42 BCE Cleopatra meets Marc Antony for the first time as an adult.

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She powered Egypt and played the role of Ptolmy

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Q: What are cleopatras major events during reign?
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What were the major events during Cleopatra's reign?

The major world events that took place during Cleopatra's reign was the establishing of Cleopatra on the throne by Julius Caesar, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the Roman triumvirate, her alliance with Antony and their defeat at Actium, Octavian conquering Egypt. This latter event ultimately resulted in her suicide.

What events happened during Cleopatra's reign?

Her reign started with the Alexandrian war, then there was the assassination of Julius Caesar, the civil war between the triumvirs and the assassins, Antony arriving in the east and the rivalry between Octavian and Antony culminating in the battle at Actium. Domestically, Egypt suffered drought and famine during the first three years of Cleo's reign.

Major events during the reign of Ramses 2?

Winning battle against Syria, creating peace treaty with Hittites, restoring Temple of Karnak, restoring Sphinx, was nicknamed Sese, built a city with four temples and beautiful gardens and orchards.

Who were the four bad emperors of Rome before Christ?

There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.

What happened during Akhenaten's reign?

he sucked my balls