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She hated Hercules and tried to cause trouble for him as much as she could.

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15y ago

She was Zeus' main wife and very jealous of his philandering. Hera is the protectress of the home and of marriage. She caused trouble for Zeus' mistresses and extramarital progeny.

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Facts about the Greek goddess Hera?

he was the sister and wife of zeus. she was the goddess of marrige

What was the Greek goddess Hera the goddess of?

Hera is the Goddess of Marriage.

What are facts about Argus the Greek monster?

Argus has a million eyes all over his body. He was created by the goddess Hera, one of the eldest gods; Hera is the goddess of marriage and wife of Zeus.

Was Hera the goddess of marriage or other goddess?

Hera is the goddess of marriage

What was Hera's job as a goddess?

Hera protected women in marriage, since she was the goddess of marriage.

What is the Greek goddess Hera the god of?

Hera is the goddess of marriage and queen of the gods.

Hera was the godness of what?

Hera was the goddess of marriage and she was he wife of Zeus making her the queen of the heavens.

Hera goddess of what?

Hera was the queen of gods and the goddess of marriage

Who is hera the greek goddess?

Hera is queen of goddesses and is goddess of marriage

How did the goddess Hera help the world?

Hera was the goddess of marriage and childbirth.

What are some interesting facts about Hera?

1. Hera is the queen of Olympus. 2. Hera is the goddess of marriage and motherhood. 3. Hera's animal symbol is the peacock. 4. Hera actually rejected Zeus at the beginning. 5. Hera's mother and father is Rhea and Kronus.

Was Hera a goddess of marriage?

No she was not the goddess of love and marriage. She was the goddess of the heaves you people who say she is the goddess of love and marriage need to get you facts write about Greek mythology. I have the note with me and learned about her yesterday. Just to prove it to you.