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Aphrodite- love and beauty

Artemis- small animals and hunt

Athena- wisdom and strategy

Ares- war

Hestia- hearth and home

Hera- childbirth and marriage

Hades- underworld


Apollo- sun,light,medicine,music

Hephaestus- forge

Hermes- business (messenger of the gods)

Poseidon- sea

Zues- god of the gods

This is just a little, there is tons of myths, legends, and gods. :) lsten here every one u need to suck on theese chinese ball as this isall ballsh** the real names are big ball, tiny tosser, white willy, the amazing arsole and the one you must never forget ......................... huppedy hump hump.he loves humping.

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The twelve Olympians were:

Zeus- The ruler of the gods and god of lightning

Hera- Queen of the Olympians(married to Zeus.) and goddess of marriage.

Aphrodite-goddess of love and beauty. Married to Hephaestus and patroness of laughter.

Ares- God of War and bloodshed.

Hephaestus- god of blacksmiths and fire.

Poseidon- god of the sea.

Dionysus- god of wine.(also patron of the theater.)

Artemis- goddess of the moon. protector of young women and young animals. She and her twin brother Apollo are known as the twin archers.

Apollo-god of the sun, music, poetry, and medicine.

Demeter- goddess of agriculture.

Hermes- god of thieves and travelers. Messenger of the gods.

Some other Greek gods were.Hades- god of the underworld and ruler of the dead.

Persephone- goddess of springtime and queen of the underworld-married to Hades.

Eros-Known in Roman mythology as Cupid. god of love.

Hestia-goddess of hearth and home.

Pan- satyr god of the wild.

Nemesis- goddess of revenge.

Hebe- wife of Hercules and goddess of youth.

Deimos- god of terror.

Phobos- god of fear.

Enyo-goddess of war.

theres zeus, posiedon, hades, ares, athena, hermes, apollo, aphrodite, artemis, demeter, dionysus, eros, hephaestus, .hera, hestia. those are the greek gods

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