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Q: What are things that Hera needs?
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What are Hera's personality?

Hera's personality traits were: - vain - jealous - brave - very successful - defender of marriage Hera also did many horrible things to the women zeus was with.

What Hera object?

Hera had several things that could represent her; the Peacock, the Cow, her favorite city was Argos and she represented marriage.

What are the good things and bad things about Hera?

she tried to kill her brother/ husband Zeus

What objects were associated with Hera?

Hera had several things that could represent her; the Peacock, the Cow, her favorite city was Argos and she represented marriage.

Who is voice did Hera curse so she could only repeat things?


Which Greek goddess's sacred animal was the cow?

Hera the goddess of the heavens, sacred animals are the cow and the peacock

What were some things about the goddess Aphrodite?

She was the brother to Hephaestus and the son to Hera. She was very beatiful.

What is Hera's favorite things that she likes?

Get revenge on Zeus' wives, Peacocks, cows, and lilypads

Did Hera go by any other names?

Hera had many epithets and titles, including:Queen of HeavenQueen of the ImmortalsHera Aegophagus (goat-eater)Hera Akraia (of the height)Hera Alexandros (defender of men)Hera Ammo'niaHera Antheia (flowery)Hera Aphrodite (of Aphrodite)Hera Argeia (of Argos)Hera Argoia (of the ship Argo)Hera Ataurote (unbulled, i.e., virgin)Hera Basileia (queen)Hera Boopis (cow-eyed)Hera Bounaia (from a temple set up by Bounos)Hera Chera (widow)Hera Gamelia (of marriage)Hera Heniokhe (charioteer)Hera Hippia (of the horses)Hera Hyperkheiria (she whose hand is above)Hera Imbrasia (from the river Imbrasus)Hera Krusothronos (golden-throned)Hera Kypra (of Cupra)Hera Lakinia (of Lakinios)Hera Nympheuomene (betrothed bride)Hera Olympia (of Olympia)Hera Pais (girl)Hera Parthenia (maiden)Hera PelasgisHera Pharygaea (of Pharygaia)Hera Prodromia (of the pioneer)Hera Samia (of Samos)Hera Sikelia (of Sicily)Hera TelchiniaHera Teleia (full-grown)Hera Zygia (yoked, i.e., married)Source:

What are some good things about Hera?

she often helped heros, but was very sneaky and liked revenge.

What was Hera's impotanc?

Impotence or importance?Importance: she was the protector of marriage and birth, which are very important things.

What dis Hera do to Heracles when he was a baby how did he respond?

She did things like send snakes at him, which he strangled.