Hey! i had the same question a couple days ago. i figured out that the sophists were usually atheists (do not believe and god). They taught subjects such as making the weaker argument the strong one, and discovering the truth in things. They sometimes also taught things such as math or science.
In Ancient Greece, the sophists were a category of teachers who specialized in using the tools of philosophy and rhetoric for the purpose of teaching aretê - excellence, or virtue - predominately to young statesmen and nobility. The practice of charging money for education, and providing wisdom only to those who can pay, led to the condemnations made by Plato See the link below for the source
Who were the Sophists? A 'school' - that is, a group with similar beliefs and methods - of philosophers in classical Greece. We derive the term "sophistry" from their name, which is in turn based in the Greek word for "wisdom". They were prominent in the fourth century BCE (300's) and their methods included teaching the skills of oratory and encyclopaedic knowledge. One of their maxims has come down to us as "Man is the measure of all things". Socrates and Plato more or less overturned their methods with his question-oriented Socratic method. For more information: there is a nice article at http://www.radicalacademy.com/philsophists.htm
Sophists were professional teachers of rhetoric and other subjects , noted for their ingenuity and speciousness
The Sophists were traveling educators who toured Greece teaching mainly nobility and upper classes all that was necessary to be successful. Often criticized for the high fees they charged that excluded all but the wealthy, the Sophists taught skills such as rhetoric and public speaking, semantics, ontology, epistemology and other disciplines that helped to complete a solid education.
The Sophists made political speeches.
The leaders of Athens were unhappy with the sophists because the sophists argued that the rulers invented the gods in order to control the people of Athens.
The leaders of Athens were unhappy with the sophists because the sophists argued that the rulers invented the gods in order to control the people of Athens
The Sophists were a group of ancient Greek philosophers who claimed to teach virtue and excellence in rhetoric and public speaking. They were known for their skepticism and relativism, believing that truth and morality were subjective and could be manipulated through persuasive arguments.Sophists were often criticized by other philosophers such as Plato for their emphasis on persuasion over seeking objective truth.
How did the sophists and Socrates advance the tradition of reason and humanis
Sophists believed that truth and morality are relative concepts that vary based on individual perspectives and circumstances. They emphasized the importance of persuasive arguments and rhetoric in communication and debate.
The Sophists were professional teachers in ancient Greece.They believed students should use their time to improve themselves.
A Sophists
yes they were
that sophists thought that knowledge was a way to improve ur life and Socrates thought that there was an absolute right or wrong